Friday, February 1, 2008

Does the IRS owe you a refund of $102.38?

We've received numerous emails from clients over the last couple years asking about an official looking email from the IRS saying they are due a refund, usually a dumb amount like $102.38.

Q: : Does the IRS know your email address? Yes or No?

A: No, they definitely do not. How could they, you never gave it to them. They do not generally correspond by email anyway. These emails are fake, they are spam, they are phishing in an attempt to get your personal information such as social security number, bank account numbers, etc in hopes of getting your money, identity theft, and fleecing you dry.

Under no circumstances should you click the link or reply to these emails.

The latest is a scam related to the forthcoming recession preventing rebates that Congress and President Bush are discussing. They claim they need your bank account information so they can electronically deposit it into your account.

NO! NO! NO! Please ignore these phishing emails.

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